Here you'll find galleries of equestrian, public and private events attended to browse through images and select any for purchase. Private event galleries may be password protected and access passwords will be provided to individuals/organisers where applicable. Albums are in date order with the most recent at the bottom. For equestrian events please note the gallery images are low resolution and have simply been cropped and had basic adjustments made - full editing will be done on any images purchased, whether digital or print. PLEASE NOTE - I DON'T AND NEVER HAVE SOLD IMAGES DIRECTLY FROM THE WEBSITE. ALL IMAGES ARE FULLY EDITED ONCE ORDERED, WHETHER PRINT OR DIGITAL. PLEASE CHECK THE CONTACT PAGE FOR DETAILS ON HOW TO ORDER IMAGES.
Galleries will remain available for viewing for a minimum of 60 days after upload but may be removed after this time to make way for new images. Any images purchased are stored for a minimum of 12 months in case reprints are requested.
Unauthorised use of images is illegal and a breach of UK copyright law. Anyone found to be screenshotting or otherwise copying images from this website without permission will be reported to the venue/event organiser concerned, blacklisted from having images taken at future events and may face legal action, which can result in a fine, a prison sentence and a criminal record. Any stolen images found on social media will also be reported to the relevant social media provider with an immediate removal request and copyright infringement notice. This can result in your social media account being suspended. Images are available to purchase for commercial/editorial use - please contact me to discuss rates as these will vary on a case by case basis dependent on planned usage. Accessing the galleries to view images acknowledges your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Please see the 'Contact' page for details of how to place orders.